Shropshire Star

Telford pupils set to enter their own Dragon's Den

Year 6 pupils at a Telford Primary School have been preparing for their Enterprise Day with “Dragon’s Den” style pitches.


Budding young entrepreneurs at St George’s Primary School in Telford have been preparing for their June Enterprise Day by pitching their money-making plans to Just Credit Union’s management.

The Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin not-for-profit savings and loans co-operative donated £2 for each year 6 pupil who in groups developed their own business ideas which they will run at the school’s June Enterprise Day.

Steve Barras, Development Officer at Just Credit Union, said today: “Financial education and supporting our community are core to what we do. We were delighted to be asked to get involved with the school’s Enterprise Day.

“We really enjoyed listening to each of the teams presenting their business idea and plans.

“They had some great ideas and had really thought through their costs, marketing and prices. Each team presented really well and were able to deal with our ‘Dragon’ s style questions! And we have to say we are definitely ‘in’!”

Teacher, Mrs Ruth Branford, said: “Each of the team will run their own stall on the day which they have planned in advance. They each came up with their idea and then worked out what they will need what it will cost and prices they would need to charge.

“The school then used the funds donated by Just Credit Union to buy what each team needs. The pupils have had an enjoyable day presenting their plans to the Just Credit Union team.”

Head teacher, Mrs Sally Sixsmith, said: “It is our vision that the children who leave St George’s are happy, successful and well prepared for the next stage of learning as well as being ready to make a valued contribution to society.

“St George’s prides itself on providing a wide range of experiences to ensure that our pupils flourish, from residential visits to a vast selection of sporting and other extra-curricular clubs.

“Enterprise and financial education is a key part of this and we would like to thank Just Credit Union for their assistance - we very much look forward to welcoming them back on the actual day and the follow up awards assembly.”

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