Shropshire Star

University open day for prospective students

Potential students from Shropshire and the borders are being invited along to Wrexham Glyndwr University’s next open day to get a taste of university life and see what undergraduate degree courses are available to study.


Taking place on June 10 between 10am and 2pm, the event will give prospective students the opportunity to speak to staff and students and find out why the University was ranked first in England and Wales for student satisfaction.

Throughout the day, there will be subject specific talks, campus tours and presentations on what it’s like to study there applying, accommodation and more.

Andy Phillips, Head of Recruitment and Admissions, said: “Our open days are a fantastic way of potential students finding out more about the courses we have to offer, the opportunities available, and what life is like here.

“As well as our friendly students and academic staff, there will also be members of our student support, admissions and accommodation teams on-hand to answer any questions anyone might have.

“There are so many reasons why WGU should be your top choice of place to study – from being ranked first in England and Wales for student satisfaction, the individualised support we offer our students to the friendly and vibrant community we have.

“Wrexham is also a really exciting place to be right now, there’s so much happening. So, why not come and see for yourself. Please book your place or just pop in and turn up on the day. We really look forward to meeting you.”

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