Shropshire Star

Newport school commended for safeguarding practices

A Newport school has been recognised for its safeguarding policies.

Last updated

Newport Girls’ High School (NGHS) said it was thrilled to receive a platinum award for safeguarding from Incyte International following a recent audit – the top rating for any school.

Staff said it showed the commitment to the highest standards of safeguarding and pastoral care at the Wellington Road school.

The assessor spoke to a large number of staff, students and governors and examined records relating to safeguarding and child protection.

The report highlighted that all staff are knowledgeable and understand their legal responsibilities around safeguarding and they receive high-quality training both in-house and beyond.

It commented that safeguarding was living practice – and that policies were followed and a culture of caring for pupils was evident in every situation.

The inspector also looked at how the school manages pupil absence, oversees the safe recruitment of staff and also spoke to pupils about how they would report concerns for themselves or others of a safeguarding nature.

Headteacher Michael Scott was delighted with the recognition, saying: “Like every school we work hard to safeguard our students but this report highlights some additional features at NGHS which we are proud to have recognised at Platinum level.

"NGHS has a real family-feel and students know they can talk to any member of staff about any concerns and that we have the tools and training to best support them.

"It is particularly pleasing how pupils themselves talked about feeling safe at the school, which was further endorsed during our outstanding Ofsted inspection earlier this academic year.”

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