Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury schoolchildren gifted laptops

Schoolchildren have sent a message of thanks to a Rotary club which gifted them new laptops.

Children at Radbrook Primary School thanked the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury for their new chrome books

Severn Bridges Multi Academy Trust, consisting of Greenfields, Mount Pleasant and Radbrook Primary Schools, has just celebrated its fourth birthday, which coincided with the gift of nine new Chromebooks – three for each school – from the Rotary Club of Shrewsbury.

The children at Radbrook Primary in Shrewsbury sent a 'thank you' picture to the club to show their appreciation.

President of the Rotary club, Mary Pascoe said: “I am so pleased we have been able to help in this way, and am proud of the generosity of my fellow club members.

"This is just the latest in a long list of ways in which, over the past 12 months of the pandemic, we have been able to support local charities and organisations.

"Despite not being able to have our usual weekly meetings, we have kept in touch via Zoom, email and phone, and members have remained committed to the Rotary ideal of helping others.”

Anyone interested in joining the club can contact the secretary by emailing

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