Shropshire Star

Shropshire college medical conference is a sell-out

A Shropshire college’s third Medical Futures Conference is a sell-out, it has been announced.

The conference will take place in Concord College’s state-of-the-art £11m science block. Left to right: Daisy Zhou, Holly Hudson, Hannah Kim and Cate Bishop

A total of 140 external students, teachers and parents have booked to attend the conference at Concord College, in Acton Burnell, on February 29.

Concord’s head of science and organiser, Barry Brown said: “I am overwhelmed and delighted that within two weeks of publicising the conference, it is full.

“Twenty-five different schools in the region are sending year 10,11 and 12 students with well over half in year 12.”

Visitors will include 23 students from Handsworth Girls Grammar School, 21 from Wolverhampton Girls High School and 13 from Malvern College.

Twenty-two universities, including Imperial, Dublin, Belfast, Exeter and Cardiff, will be represented and there will be 15 doctors of different specialities, from general practice to orthopaedic.

Mr Brown said: “The aim is to give students the opportunity of talking informally with doctors and finding out the rewards and pressures of working in the NHS.

“We shall have a large open-plan room in the college science block specially for the universities who will each have a table and prospectuses for students to find out more about courses.”

Thirty-minute workshops will be running and there will be advice on how students can prepare for interview.

The keynote speaker will be Tom Warrender of Medical Mavericks, and Mr Brown says students can look forward to his practical demonstrations on ‘The Human Guinea Pig'.