Shropshire Star

‘Safe, happy and ambitious’ school near Oswestry praised

Pupils are “safe, happy and successful” at an “ambitious” primary school which inspectors have hailed as good.


Ofsted inspectors paid a visit to Selattyn C of E Primary School, near Oswestry, last month and praised the “lovely, behaved” pupils and staff, who ensure everybody flourishes.

The school has been left as ‘good’ rated – with just minor recommendations for improvement in maths and foundation subjects.

Mike Cladingbowl, lead inspector, said: “Pupils enjoy coming to this small and friendly village school.

“Pupils are safe, happy and successful. Leaders are ambitious for everyone.

“They, and their staff, listen to pupils with care. Staff know how to help pupils flourish, including those who have difficulties.

“Pupils have lovely manners. They behave very well. They make good friends and mix with pupils of other ages.

“They are usually very kind to each other. Staff deal with any unkindness quickly. Pupils like learning and they say they love learning about life.

“Many enjoy working outdoors in the countryside. Alongside the national curriculum, pupils study a ‘local curriculum’ in mixed-aged groups.”


Mr Cladingbowl added: “This fosters fun, leadership and independence. Most pupils take part in enrichment activities.

“These include regular singing, drama, sports and art clubs. The wide variety of extra-curricular activities helps pupils discover new talents.

“Pupils work hard for other pupils. Older pupils often become monitors or librarians. They show leadership and arrange activities for younger pupils.

“Parents and carers like the school because of its ethos. They like the ‘family’ feel of the school.”

He said to improve, slight changes could be made in science.

“In science and foundation subjects staff do not always check that pupils learn and remember enough of the curriculum,” he added.

“Leaders should ensure that assessment arrangements in these subjects allow them to understand how much pupils learn.

“Where needed, they should take further action to ensure that pupils learn more.

“Mathematics teaching has improved since the last inspection. Pupils are taught well and enjoy many opportunities to use mathematics to solve problems. However, a few pupils find some work too easy. These pupils need further challenge.”