Shropshire Star

'Despicable' Telford man posted sex video of ex on TikTok and threw brick at her car

A 'despicable' man who posted a sex video of a woman on TikTok and threw a brick through her car windscreen has avoided prison.

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James Greenaway, aged 30, described uploading the video as "the worst thing I've ever done" when he was sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court on Friday.

Shrewsbury Crown Court heard that Greenaway has previous for treating people in a "terrible way", including his mother, family members and ex-partners.

These latest offences were carried out in May 2022. First, Greenaway went to an address in Telford on May 18 where the woman and her new partner were living.

The victim's partner saw Greenaway throw a brick through her car windscreen.

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