Shropshire Star

Dangerous drink driver looked inside car to 'check if woman was dead' after crashing into her near Telford hospital

A drink driver crashed into a woman and looked in her car to "check if she was dead" before fleeing the scene.


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Martins Brokans, aged 42, collided with the victim's car in Apley Avenue, near Princess Royal Hospital in Telford.

The victim, whose mother died in a car crash, said she was convinced she would be killed and her daughters would have to live without a mother - as she did.

Shrewsbury Crown Court was told that on March 10, 2022, that both the victim and Brokans were heading towards the hospital - the victim for an appointment, and Brokans due to an injury he had sustained.

Brokans was driving his girlfriend's BMW 4 Series when he careered towards the victim on two wheels after going over a roundabout. Witnesses estimated he was doing about 60mph in a 30mph zone.

"She thought she was going to die," prosecutor Suzanne Francis told the court. "She thought she would be hit head on."

The vehicles collided and the victim was left dazed. She remembered a woman coming to check on her, and then two men looking inside "to check if she was dead", before making off from the scene. One of the men was in a dressing gown.

The victim remained in the car until paramedics arrived.

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