Shropshire Star

'Stupid' A-level student who took ketamine caught driving in Shrewsbury town centre

A teenager who was caught driving under the influence of ketamine in Shrewsbury town centre has been banned from the road.

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A-level student William Archie Owen, aged 18, was caught driving a Vauxhall in Castle Street late at night on October 23 last year.

Telford Magistrates Court heard how officers saw Owen swerving to avoid a parked car so pulled him over at around 11.50pm.

Owen was arrested and taken into custody, where he tested positive for ketamine. He had 189 microgrammes of the drug per litre of blood. The legal limit is 20mcg.

Owen, of Dolerw Park Drive, Newtown, Powys, pleaded guilty to driving a motor vehicle with a controlled drug above the specified limit.

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