Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury paedophile twice spared jail finally locked up for having 180,000 illegal images on 12 different computers

A paedophile twice spared jail for possessing indecent images of children is now behind bars after police caught him with more than 180,000 illegal pictures on 12 different computers.

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Paul Evans, 51, from Moneybrook Way in Shrewsbury, was sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court after admitting eight different charges.

During the hearing, prosecutor Richard Davenport revealed that Evans had two previous convictions for possession of indecent images of children.

In 2001 he was convicted of 10 counts of making images of children, then in 2016 he was convicted of three counts of the same offences.

On both occasions he was spared jail.

Mr Davenport told the court that the latest charges actually related to two separate raids on Evans' home.

First police attended his property in June 2020, where they found eight computers containing thousands of images – some of the worst kinds of abuse of children as young as one year old, and other obscene photos involving animals.

Mr Davenport said the officers had found 566 images in category A – the worst kind - 833 in category B, and 160,332 in category C, along with nine 'extreme' images.