Man jailed after rampage including 'terrifying' burglary and attacks on town centre shops
A man who went on a 'rampage', smashing his way into a town centre M&S to take booze and stealing £12 from a woman in a 'terrifying' burglary, has been jailed.

Jack Lloyd, 35, and formerly of Bellstone, Shrewsbury, was sentenced at Shrewsbury Crown Court after admitting a string of offences – all in August last year.
The court heard that Lloyd, who has suffered with mental illness, has 58 convictions for more than 100 previous offences.
Sentencing, Judge Laura Hobson said the defendant had a 'continuing pattern of offending' and an 'extremely long record'.
The court heard that the first offence had taken place on August 4, when Lloyd broke into M&S on Castle Street in Shrewsbury.
He smashed a window and took a bottle of whiskey, but as Judge Hobson said, "most seriously" caused about £1,000 of damage in the process.
A week later Lloyd smashed a window belonging to the Darwin Centre on Pride Hill.