Shropshire Star

Drink driver caught behind the wheel while three times the limit gets 28-month driving ban

A woman who drove while more than three times the alcohol limit has been banned from getting behind the wheel for 28 months.

Telford Magistrates Court

Telford Magistrates Court also handed 32-year-old Hannah Davies a three-year conditional discharge after she pleaded guilty to having 115 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, when the limit is 35.

Davies of Severn Drive, Wellington, Telford, was stopped in Severn Drive on November 13, 2023.

She appeared in court last Wednesday and was told that her guilty plea was taken into account but that the driving ban was obligatory.

She was also ordered to pay £135 in prosecution costs and a £26 victims surcharge and arrange payment by December 20 this year.

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