Shropshire Star

Telford burglar who stole wallets then escaped from police who had taken him to hospital is jailed

A homeless Telford man who stole wallets from a house, got arrested and then escaped from police who had taken him to hospital has been jailed.

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Picture: West Mercia Police

Wayne Titley, aged 48 and of no fixed abode, was sentenced on Wednesday at Shrewsbury Crown Court to three years and 10 months in jail.

Titley broke into a house on Coachwell Close in Malinslee, Telford on June 28 this year. Having climbed through an open downstairs window, he went on to steal wallets from the home.

Following his arrest in connection with the burglary, Titley was taken to Telford's Princess Royal Hospital to receive medical treatment - but on June 29 he escaped from officers who had been escorting him.

Investigating officer PC Alex Greenfield said: “Burglary brings great upset and stress to its victims, and we continue to thoroughly investigate any reports of burglary.

"I hope this sentence demonstrates that we do everything in our power to bring those responsible to justice."

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