Shropshire Star

Dog walker had to dodge out of way of drink driver who crashed into garden while way over the limit

A man who crashed a Land Rover over a roundabout then careened half a kilometre down a Newport road, forcing a dog walker to dodge out of his way, was found to be over three times the drink drive limit.

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Syrda was sentenced at Telford Magistrates Court

Paul Syrda, 35, was seen on dashcam footage driving over the central island of the roundabout just outside Newport before turning his car onto Forton Road, continuing about 600m into the town, swerving from side to side and crashing into some decorative boulders on the side of the road.

The driver behind him phoned the police as she followed him, only to react in horror as his car hit a boulder and rolled onto its side into a resident's front garden.

Telford Magistrates Court heard that at 5.35pm on August 9, Syrda was driving a black Land Rover Discovery on the A41 Newport bypass and approached a roundabout to the north of town, joining the A519 and Newport Road.

Prosecutor Mr Shahid Rahman told the court: "He mounted the roundabout, crashing through street signs on the roundabout."

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