Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury man who harassed woman he was banned from contacting and damaged her car gets curfew

A man who sent threatening messages to a woman he was banned from contacting and repeatedly damaged her car has been given a curfew in punishment.

Kidderminster Magistrates Court

Scott Davidson, 33, pestered the victim with calls and texts despite being prohibited from contacting her by a court order, and targeted her Audi A3 in Shrewsbury on September 5, 24 and 25 this year.

He caused at least £400 worth of damage to the car.

Davidson, of Dove Close, Shrewsbury, admitted three charges of criminal damage, two breaches of a non-molestation order and sending an offensive message, in a hearing at Kidderminster Magistrates Court.

He was brought back to the same court to be sentenced on Tuesday, when he was given a curfew to last six months.

He must remain at Dove Close between 7pm and 7am. He was also ordered to pay prosecution costs of £75, a victim surcharge of £114 and compensation to the victim totalling £202.54.

In addition he was ordered to carry out up to 40 days of probation-sanctioned rehabilitation activities.