Jailed: Telford cannabis 'gardener' could be deported after police bust drugs factory worth potential £766,000
A cannabis "gardener" has been jailed after police busted a Telford drugs factory worth a potential £766,000.

Enki Rama was looking after 912 plants at various stages of growth at a terraced house in Brookside when police burst in on August 24 this year.
According to a drugs expert, the plants could have yielded 76.6kg of cannabis if they had all fully matured.
Shrewsbury Crown Court heard how officers executed a warrant in Blakemore, Brookside, and discovered Rama in an upstairs bedroom. There were two rooms and two cupboards dedicated for growing cannabis including white-washed walls and lighting, and the electricity supply had been by-passed.
The grow was examined by an expert, who determined that if the plants fully matured and the drugs were broken down into street deals, they could have yielded £766,000.