Shropshire Star

Woman, 84, drove BMW wrong way on A5 bypass while three times the alcohol limit

A drink-driving pensioner who drove a BMW the wrong way down along a dual carriageway has avoided an immediate prison term.

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Margaret Ruth Morris, aged 84, was three times the limit when she was caught driving along the A5 in the Nesscliffe area, near Shrewsbury, on December 7 last year.

Her driving prompted other motorists to call the police, and when officers caught up with her, she had vodka in her car and could not stand up straight.

Lisa Morris-Jones, prosecuting, told Telford Magistrates Court: "At approximately 6.40pm, police received a 999 call from an HGV driver saying he saw a car driving the wrong way on the bypass towards Nesscliffe. Another call was made to emergency services, saying it was a blue BMW."

Morris, of Orchard Park, Maesbrook, near Oswestry, stopped and paramedics spoke to her. It was noticed that her breath smelled of alcohol.

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