Shropshire Star

Police appeal after youths spotted looking through outbuildings

Police have alerted residents to be on the lookout after youths were spotted looking through car windows and outbuildings in Telford.

Police have alerted residents after youths were spotted looking through car windows and outbuildings in Coalbrookdale

In the early hours of Friday, March 3, Police say three youths were seen acting suspiciously on Paradise in Coalbrookdale, near Ironbridge.

Officers have asked residents in the area to be on the lookout after a member of the public spotted the youths looking through outbuildings and car windows.

Anyone with information is asked to contact the police online at or by emailing the local policing team at

Information can also be passed on anonymously to the independent charity, Crimestoppers, by calling 0800 555 111 or by visiting their website: