Shropshire Star

Police hunt hoodie-wearing cyclist over Telford car fire

Police in Telford are appealing for information after someone riding a bicycle and wearing a hoodie is believed to have set fire to a car.

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Glendale, Lawley. Telford. Photo: Google.

It is is one of a series of car fires across the town in recent weeks.

On Wednesday, December 29, a blue Audi Q3 parked in Glendale, Lawley, was set on fire at about 1.30am. Telford and Wrekin Police say no injuries were reported.

On their Facebook page the borough's police say: "Did you see a car fire in Lawley on Wed, Dec 29?

"A blue Audi Q3 parked on Glendale was set on fire by a someone riding a bicycle and wearing a hoodie around 1.30am. No injuries were reported."

Firefighters from Wellington had been scrambled to the scene at 1.41am, with a fire investigation officer also in attendance. They found one sports utility vehicle (SUV) that had been 50 per cent damaged by fire and used breathing apparatus and a hosereel jet to deal with the blaze.

Anyone with any information is asked to report details at quoting incident 46 of 29 Dec.

In one of the other car fires police said they were hunting a man seen running away from the scene of a van fire in The Crescent, Donnington, on January 14, holding a petrol can.

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