Shropshire Star

Telford child abuse gang ringleader freed

Sex gang leader Ahdel Ali has been released from prison after serving eight years of a 26-year sentence.

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Ahdel Ali.

He was one of two ringleaders of a sexual grooming gang that preyed on girls as young as 13 in Telford resulting in the Operation Chalice investigation and an independent child sexual exploitation inquiry.

MP Lucy Allan confirmed that Ali, now aged 32, was released on Wednesday.

Known as Eddie he was given a 26-year extended sentence – 18 years’ immediate custody with an additional eight-year period on licence after release, meaning he will be subject to monitoring.

She has previously criticised a decision to give his brother Mubarek Ali early release without the victims and their families being consulted by the Ministry of Justice.

Ali’s 36-year-old brother, Mubarek Ali, known as Max, was given 22 years, 14 years’ immediate custody and eight years on licence, for seven offences – four of controlling child prostitution, causing child prostitution and two offences of trafficking in the UK for the purpose of prostitution, involving two of the victims.


Miss Allan said: “On this occasion the authorities handled the matter correctly, informing relevant parties, including victims, of the tagging and the exclusion from the local area.

“I am concerned that the law still allows for early release of serious sexual offenders, however, since the sentencing of Ahdel Ali and Mubarak Ali the law has changed to prevent this in future and I am proud to have played my part in this change in the law. ”

The brothers, then of Regent Street, Wellington, were leading players in the ring and were jailed after an eight-week trial.

West Mercia Police’s Operation Chalice uncovered revealed details of a network of men from who targeted young and vulnerable teenage girls.

The Ministry of Justice stated: “Serious sex offenders released on licence are closely monitored and can be returned to prison if they breach strict conditions such as curfews and exclusion zones.”

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