Shropshire Star

Drug crack down continues in Shrewsbury

Three more people have been arrested on suspicion of drug offences after further raids in the Ditherington area this week.


The fresh arrests were made after warrants were executed at multiple addresses on Tuesday.

Speaking on the day PC Ingrid Tozer of West Mercia Police, said: "Three persons have been arrested for drug offences from warrants this morning. Evidence has been recovered from the addresses."

It brings the number of arrests in the Castlefileds and Ditherington area in the past six weeks up to nine, after four separate days of raids.

Heroin and cocaine were seized on Friday last week at a house in Crewe Street, Castlefields and a man in his 30s arrested.

The action follows similar raids, one at New Park Road, Castlefields, and at three addresses in the same day in the Ditherington area, in July.

PC Tozer said officers were pro-actively cracking down on drug dealing in the neighbourhood.