Shropshire Star

Food bank finances under strain as demand remains high and products fly off the shelves

A food bank in north Shropshire now has to buy more than half of the food it hands out to needy people as demands on its services grow.

Tony Maude, left, Chair of Trustees and Liz Jermy, right, project manager with Councillor Ollie Rose, centre, the Mayor at the Oswestry and Borders foodbank 2023 annual meeting on Wednesday

Oswestry and Borders Foodbank - a part of the national Trussell Trust network - says a part of that is because some of its backers are deciding to give regular financial donations instead of food and strengthening their commitment.

But Liz Jermy, the manager of the food bank said: "Demand is high. We are helping between 60 and 80 families each week.

Food bank manager, Liz Jermy

"The speed at which stock is going off the shelves is astonishing and it is putting pressure on both our warehouse and our financial resources. The stores in our warehouse are going down at a rate of knots and we are grateful to all our donors."

Last year they spent £31,000 on food.