Shropshire Star

Free business advice for Shropshire’s social sector

The Shropshire Growth Hub is offering its free Business Boost service to Shropshire charities, social enterprises and community interest companies in recognition of the vital role they play in the county’s social economy.

Ruth Martin of Martin & Jones Marketing

The social sector event will take place on Friday from 9.30pm to 1pm at University Centre Shrewsbury, Guildhall, Frankwell, Shrewsbury.

Experts will be on hand offering mini masterclass sessions and there will be one-to-one sessions with business specialists in sales, marketing, social media, website development, business administration and business planning.

There are limited spaces left but anyone interested in attending can email Anna and Emma at

Ruth Martin, of Martin & Jones Marketing, will present one of the mini masterclasses with a session on ‘Articulating your social value proposition in a compelling and engaging way’.

“The social sector delivers so many important services in Shropshire and it needs to use the full range of business techniques to survive and thrive," she said. "Finding a way of communicating your value as a social or community organisation is vital in attracting funding and sponsors so that you can carry on playing such an important role within the county."

The second mini masterclass will be on perfecting your sales technique.

The Business Boost event will also give social sector delegates a chance to learn about the role of the Shropshire Voluntary and Community Sector, Community Resource and the Shropshire Growth Hub in supporting their organisations.

There will also be information about funding opportunities including Crowdfund Shropshire plus open discussions and networking opportunities.

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