Shropshire Star

Solmedia is on mission to support cancer charity

An historic Shrewsbury-based laboratory supplier company has launched a fundraising event to mark its 90 years in business.

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The team at Solmedia

Solmedia, located in Shrewbury Battlefield Business Park, primarily supply pathology laboratories in the UK including to the NHS, private laboratories and the likes of Cancer Research.

To celebrate its 90th birthday, the team are gearing up for an Endurathon, running from June 3-6, where they will be raising funds to support Macmillan Cancer Support.

A spokesperson for Solmedia said: "The team at Solmedia are coming together to help make a difference in the fight against cancer.

"We will be collaboratively exercising continuously, both day and night, over the course of 90 hours.

"We’re honouring each year gone by in Solmedia by challenging ourselves in tough activities, pushing our limits on hikes, on bikes, on water and more!

"Every penny raised by sponsoring this challenge will go directly to Macmillan Cancer Support, a charity we hold close to our hearts."

Solmedia has been owned by the Wallach family since the 1960s, having been bought by John Wallach.

Current directors are Gordon, and sons Nick and James Wallach. Nick’s sons Fabio and Tyran are now also part of the business, continuing the tradition.

“We are very proud to have reached 90 years as a business,” said Nick. “In a modern market where a lot of change is going on, it’s a business that still has that rich heritage that has been passed down through generations and it has that value. You feel you have been handed the mantle to carry forward.

“We are proud of its roots and it does have some real history behind it. I think our customers like the fact we have been going for a while and it gives them the feeling of trust – the fact we are not going to disappear overnight.

“The whole family unit is here in Shrewsbury and we have no intention of moving from Shropshire.”

To support the team in their challenge, visit

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