Shropshire Star

Green business in Wellington celebrates after landing top award

A young Wellington entrepreneur has won a prestigious trophy for her work to help people become more environmentally friendly.

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Keli King (centre) with colleagues Katie Lee (left) and Kelly White celebrating their award.

Keli King, who founded the zero waste shop The Little Green Pantry in Crown Street, has just been crowned as the ‘green start up of the year’ in the annual Midlands Startup awards.

The accolades recognise the ambitions and achievements of the region’s new entrepreneurs.

“This means so much to me,” said Keli, who launched her shop, which sells a range of food and toiletries, in an attempt to cut down on plastic waste and help the environment.

“I would not have got here without my fantastic team which is ever expanding and of course customers old and new.

“I want to thank them for their loyalty and choosing The Little Green Pantry over supermarkets and for caring about our beautiful planet as much as we do.”

Keli started her venture in 2019 as a pop up stall in local markets, including Wellington and Newport, then diversified into deliveries through lockdown.

After completing a start-up course with Bridgnorth-based business consultants Good2Great in 2021 and being awarded a Pride in Our High Street grant from Telford & Wrekin Council, she set up in a permanent shop at 2 Crown Street, Wellington.

Now in it's third year, The Little Green Pantry employs a team of five staff who run both the shop and external events, including Shrewsbury Food Festival.

She is now headed to the UK final of the competition at Ideas Fest in September, an event for entrepreneurs and business leaders.

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