Shropshire Star

Work starting on sauna, pool and restaurant at Shropshire holiday village

Work is under way on the second phase of development work at a holiday complex in south Shropshire.

Last updated
Paul Johnson Contracts Manager, Morris Property right with Graham Smith, Site Manager at Upper Norton, Morris Property

Morris Property has won the tender at the Upper Norton Holiday and Leisure Complex, from The Holiday Property Bond (HPB).

The project at the HPB site at Upper Norton, near Craven Arms, has seen Morris Property start building 15 units of accommodation, a bespoke indoor pool, sauna/steam room, gym and restaurant, with completion due in March 2025.

The new facilities join the existing 21 units of accommodation and clubroom, games room and tennis court amenities which originally opened in 2008.

The new buildings will be converted from four large existing barns and will be situated in landscaped grounds with footpaths, a low-level lighting scheme and car parking.

Ollie Peacock, development manager at The Holiday Property Bond said “We are delighted to be working with Morris Property on this exciting project to extend our hugely popular resort at Upper Norton.

"It is a fabulous way to celebrate our 40th anniversary and will not only offer additional first-class accommodation, but also enhance the leisure facilities at this beautiful holiday village.”

Morris Property contracts manager Paul Johnson, who is overseeing construction at Upper Norton, added: “Our team is very much looking forward to starting work here with the high-quality new buildings and facilities which will visually fit well into their environment.

“We will be using recycled stone from the existing buildings, along with local Wenlock stone and lime mortar to match.

"Oak timber cladding boards add an attractive external feature and the project has many environmental features ranging from solar panels to its own biomass sewage system.”

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