Shropshire Star

Darwin Group face mud, sweat and tears for fantastic cause

A team from Telford-based Darwin Group raised more than £2,000 for Severn Hospice after being inspired by a colleague’s family story.

The Darwin Group helped raise money for charity

The team of 27 people from the specialist healthcare construction firm completed the gruelling Tough Mudder North event in Cholmondeley Castle in just over three hours.

The group decided to turn the event into a fundraiser after Darwin Group project coordinator Georgie Bebb realised it would be an excellent way to raise money for a charity close to her heart.

Georgie, from Shrewsbury, suggested the team raise funds for Severn Hospice after the charity provided end-of-life care for two of her family members.

Georgie said: “When I realised it could be a good opportunity to raise a bit of money for a cause close to my heart, I jumped at the chance.

“Severn Hospice looked after my nan when she was terminally ill. I was only nine at the time, but they made it as positive an experience for me as possible. They used to wheel her bed outside so I could play in the garden when I visited her.

“More recently, my uncle rowed across the Atlantic in 2022 and raised money for Severn Hospice. When they returned, he was unwell and discovered he had terminal cancer. He spent the last six weeks of his life at Severn Hospice. They did all they could to support the whole family – his partner stayed on the ward with him every night.

“I realised the Tough Mudder would be a great way to give something back to an amazing local charity that will touch the lives of many Darwin Group staff at one point or another during their lives.”

The intense 15K course included 15 kilometres of running through thick mud and 30 world-famous obstacles. The Darwin Group team raised £2,010 in total – more than double their original target. Workwear supplier JR Industrial gifted the team with printed T-shirts to boost the fundraising efforts.

Georgie added: “The event was intense but a lot of fun. The fact that we’ve managed to raise so much money in the process is brilliant.”

Established in 2006, Darwin Group works with the NHS to create outstanding healthcare facilities built using innovative offsite construction methods at its Shropshire production facility.

Darwin Group CEO, Richard Pierce, added: “I’m so pleased that the team took this challenge on for such a brilliant local healthcare charity and a huge thanks go to Georgie for her part in spearheading the effort.

“The Tough Mudder course is famously difficult, and it shows the determination and team spirit we have here at Darwin Group. I’m really proud of everyone who took part and very grateful to everyone who donated.”

Samantha Haydon, Severn Hospice corporate fundraiser, added: “We are so grateful to Georgie and the Darwin Group team. It means so much to us that our care and support for Georgie’s family has inspired them to raise money for us and I’d like to thank everyone at Darwin Group.

"Every penny they raise makes a real difference and enables us to be there for thousands of local people living with incurable illness.”

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