Shropshire Star

Hobsons Brewery champions locally grown hops for special autumnal brew

An independent Shropshire brewery is looking to celebrate the rich flavours of the surrounding countryside — crafting a new autumnal brew that utilises a uniquely flavoured hop grown just ten miles down the road.

Founder Nick Davis (right) at a local hop yard on Green Hop brewing day

This month, Hobsons Brewery, based in Cleobury Mortimer, will be brewing its annual ‘Green Hop’ beer, which, this year, is set to use traditional Challenger hops sourced from Orleton Court farm, operated by JW Spilsbury & Co.

The unique brewing process has passed the test of time and sees the hops added to the brew the same day they’re picked — resulting in a truly fresh 4.2 per cent golden beer with spicy and sweet floral flavours with notes of honey.

As a sustainable brewery that celebrates local provenance, the annual Green Hop brew is considered an exciting prospect for the Hobsons team.

By utilising hops from a local supplier based so close to the brewery, it is hoping to craft a beer that truly captures the essence of Shropshire's rich harvest season.

Nick Davis, founder of Hobsons, said: "The Green Hop brew is always a personal highlight in my calendar.

"The demanding brewing process really takes us back in time and although we are always looking to improve our brewing techniques, it’s nice to lean on tradition and replicate the approach that the industry was built upon.

"It’s always a full-on day for the team, but taking a brew all the way from field to beer is a satisfying process.”

With the brewing process commencing early in the morning, the freshly picked Challenger hops are collected by the Hobsons team and added to the brew just after lunch.

Once the hops have boiled away for half an hour, the brew is transferred into a fermentation tank, where the beer continues to develop flavour and the desired ABV.

After a week of fermenting, the brew is filled into casks ready to go on the real-ale hand-pull at selected pubs across the region.

A couple of weeks later the beer is also bottled and sent to a warm conditioning room, allowing the yeast to continue to ferment and ensuring it’s as close to a cask ale as possible. Once the beer has finished conditioning, it is ready to make its way out to trade customers and will be available to purchase on the Hobsons website.

Mr Davis added: “Engaging with local suppliers has been so important to Hobsons over the past three decades and we are forever grateful to be nestled in the rich Shropshire countryside.

"This beer is a real celebration of that locality and after what’s set to be a full-on day for the team, we are all looking forward to trying a pint.”

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