Shropshire Star

Balfours team set for charity run in memory of much-loved colleague

Six members of property professionals Balfours are preparing for a half marathon charity run in memory of a much-loved colleague.

Ready for the run, from left: Matthew Doyle, Sarah Williams, Chloe Evans, Frances Steer, Lamara Hoyle-Rogers, Joe Powell

The team have entered the Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon on Sunday, September 17.

Balfours partner Frances Steer said: “We want to raise money in memory of our dear colleague Charlie Fitzherbert-Brockholes, who was taken far too young.

"We aim to raise a significant four figure sum which will go to the charity CRY – Cardiac Risk in the Young.”

With less than four weeks to go the six are all training regularly with team runs once a week.

Frances added: “Fortunately we have Matthew Doyle in our team who is exceptionally fast, being from an ultra-sporty family.

"He is setting the pace for the rest of us, who are of varying abilities and fitness, but all of us have one goal – to cross the finishing line of the 13.1 miles.”

The team chose the Lake Vyrnwy Half Marathon because, Frances added: "It’s flat, it’s beautiful and it’s local.

"Even when we are dragging our heals and bodies begin to ache, you couldn’t wish to be in a more beautiful setting."

To donate to Balfours, visit

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