Shropshire Star

Shropshire businesses urged to start planning ahead for Bank Holidays

Businesses need to start planning for the upcoming bank holidays to ensure they are not left short-staffed, an employment specialist said today.

Alasdair Hobbs

There will be two bank holiday Mondays in a row – on May 1 and May 8, due to the King’s Coronation and Alasdair Hobbs, of Human Results in Telford, said that may have an impact on businesses.

He said: “Many people will be tempted to take four days leave during that week, which will enable them to have a total of 10 days off work.

“Indeed, many travel agents and holiday companies are using this as a positive sales message!

“This presents a challenge for employers, particularly businesses with a small workforce, to ensure they have enough staff to operate effectively – without upsetting anyone.

“The key to this is planning ahead and making sure that a robust annual leave policy is in place so staff know what to expect.

“It’s easy for small businesses to get into a bad habit of giving staff free rein to book holidays whenever they want, and it’s important to make it clear to everyone the conditions with which annual leave will be authorised.

“Special national events like the King’s Coronation often result in last-minute decisions to book leave, but planning ahead to update your HR policies will stand employers in good stead for avoiding staffing headaches.”

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