Shropshire Star

Two Telford businesses apply for pavement licences

Two Telford businesses have applied for licences to trade on the pavements outside their premises.

Last updated
Darby's of Ironbridge Photo: Google

Public consultations on the plans for the The Dun Cow, Duke Street, Wellington, and Darby’s of Ironbridge, 10 Tontine Hill, Ironbridge, are due to close within days.

The Little Pub Company (Telford) Ltd has applied to site four chairs and two tables outside from Monday to Sunday from 10am to 10pm.

The closing date for any comments on the application is Saturday, December 31, 2022.

Meanwhile Mr Richard Eley is applying to site 20 chairs and six tables outside Darby's from Monday to Sunday from 8am to 6pm.

The closing date for the Darby's application is December 30.

Representations may be made in writing to

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