Turtle recovered two days after being stolen from pet shop
A turtle has been returned safely after being stolen from a pet shop.

The turtle was tracked down and recovered two days after being taken from Doolittles Pet and Aquatic Superstore on Bridgnorth Road in Shipley on Wednesday, October 4.
The incident saw a woman enter the store, pick up the turtle from its tank and put it in her handbag before leaving in a car parked outside.
Officers from Staffordshire Police were able to identify the car and track down the person responsible, with a 31-year-old woman from Wolverhampton being issued with a community resolution order and the turtle returned to its home two days later.
PC Darren Wilkes, who dealt with the case alongside Sergeant Dudley Pinson, said: “Officers from the wildlife crime team worked quickly to track down this animal and return it to its grateful owners.
"Thankfully, no harm came to the turtle and it is now relaxing under a heat lamp after the ordeal.
“We are committed to supporting residents and businesses of the rural community and will continue to proactively investigate crime and deter offenders as much as we can across Staffordshire.”