Shropshire Star

Shropshire ranked as one of most dangerous places in UK to work

Shropshire is the sixth most dangerous place to work in the UK, research by an engineering company has found.

Last updated

Using official figures from the Health and Safety Executive website, Manchester-based Alfa Industrial Services collated data from the last decade to calculate which areas of the country had the most accidents at work that resulted in death.

They found Shropshire was one of two West Midlands areas that had among the highest rates for fatalities in the workplace in the country.

The top 10 areas in the UK with the most accidents at work

Glasgow was the most dangerous location, with 39 deaths recorded at work in the last 10 years.

"A long and proud industrial history has been the cornerstone of Glasgow's economy, which has relied heavily on manual labour, particularly in the manufacturing and construction sectors," Alfa Industrial Services said

"The result has been a large number of manual workers who often work in hazardous and dangerous conditions. Due to this, Glasgow has seen a high number of workplace fatalities over the years."

The company says Shropshire came sixth on the list with 20 deaths, below Aberdeenshire (33 deaths), Highland (29 deaths), Birmingham (29 deaths) and Cornwall (23 deaths).

Also making the top ten locations for work place fatalities were Aberdeen City (20), Cheshire East (19), Fife (18) and Gwynedd (17).

Alfa Industrial Services say they identified mixed farming, hospital activities, construction, freight transport by road and specialised construction as the most dangerous UK industries.

A spokesperson said that over the last 10 years, 301 deaths in the workplace have been attributed to falling while working at height, by far the most dangerous activity in the workplace.