Shropshire Star

Omicron checkmates chess action

Face-to-face chess action in Shropshire has been suspended because of the rampant Omicron variant – just weeks after it had been resumed.


A special meeting of Shropshire Chess Association officials and club representatives voted 8-1 to call an immediate halt to the league season.

The meeting, held on Zoom, heard that some clubs had already closed and cancelled fixtures.

The decision to suspend all face-to-face chess games will be reviewed early in the New Year as the Covid situation develops.

All over-the-board chess was halted in March 2019 at the start of the pandemic, and in Shropshire the league resumed in the autumn as restrictions eased.

The chess "lockdown" saw a big rise in chess being played over the internet, and online leagues in Shropshire will continue.

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