Shropshire Star

CPRE joins campaign to halt Shrewsbury hilltop winery

Objectors to a hilltop vineyard, visitor centre and winery have been bolstered by the support of the Shropshire branch of the Council for the Protection of Rural England.


Plans have been submitted to Shropshire Council by landowner Andrew Stevens for the scheme which could create 25 full-time jobs at Hencote farm, Ellesmere Road, Shrewsbury.

But residents have objected to the development which they say will ruin one of the best views in Shrewsbury and result in a loss of footpaths for local groups and ramblers. Now the CPRE have given their support to the objectors saying that the development contravenes Shropshire Council's Core Strategy.

In her objection to the council Judith Crabb on behalf of the Shropshire branch of the CPRE said: "The site of the winery, practically on the crest of the hill is in an area of outstanding landscape value overlooking the old river bed. At the moment it provides possibly the best view of the historic skyline of Shrewsbury and this is enjoyed by the many walkers who use the quiet country lane.

"The buildings and associated planting will obscure this view and destroy the tranquillity of the lane.

"It is therefore in conflict with CS17 which states that any development must 'protect and enhance the diversity, high quality and local character of Shropshire's natural, built and historic environment, and not adversely affect the visual, ecological, geological, heritage or recreational values and functions of these assets, their immediate surroundings or their connecting corridors'."

There are currently 32 objections lodged.

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