Shropshire Star

Royal reply to baby names letter from Shropshire schoolgirl

A schoolgirl from Shropshire has written to the Duchess of Cambridge suggesting names for the future King or Queen – and was delighted to receive a reply.


Ten-year-old Faye Oliver sent a letter and drawing to the Duchess, who is expecting a baby in July, as Kate is her favourite royal.

Dad Steve, from Lintin Close, Bratton, near Telford, said: "Faye has been obsessed since the wedding.

Faye Oliver, from Telford, with the reply she received from Kate Middleton

"We took her to see the Queen at Cosford last summer and she was so excited when the couple announced they are expecting their first child."

The St Peter's schoolgirl received her very own royal stamp of approval after writing to the Duchess last December.

"It was a personal response from Kate's lady in waiting which thanked Faye for her drawing of Kate on her wedding day and mentioned everything Faye had written."

Faye spent time researching the Royal Family tree before compiling her suggestions for the future prince or princess.

Faye said: "Kate is my favourite, she seems really friendly and always looks lovely. I couldn't believe it when I got the letter. I want her to have a baby girl because I want a future queen and I think it would be really cool if the queen was called Faye. I love the Royal Family and would love to be part of it."

Faye's suggested names for a princess included Annabel, Amelia and Theodora. She also suggested James, Charles and Philip if the new arrival is a boy.

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