Shropshire Star

Vandals smash restaurant windows

Vandals caused hundreds of pounds damage today by smashing every window at a fledgling Telford restaurant. Vandals caused hundreds of pounds damage today by smashing every window at a fledgling Telford restaurant. One of the restaurant's bosses and his local councillor have both spoken of their shock and disgust at the attack, which happened overnight at the Spice Lounge, Market Street, Oakengates. The business, opened in a former building society site, has only been trading for four weeks. The Spice Lounge, which also offers a delivery and take-away service, used to be a branch of the Portman Building society but it has been painstakingly converted over the last nine months. Joint owner Mohammed Gulnawaz, who leases the building with his 39-year-old brother Gulfraz Khan, said he had no idea who had targeted the business or why. Read the full story in today's Shropshire Star


Joint owner Mohammed Gulnawaz outside the restaurantVandals caused hundreds of pounds damage today by smashing every window at a fledgling Telford restaurant.One of the restaurant's bosses and his local councillor have both spoken of their shock and disgust at the attack, which happened overnight at the Spice Lounge, Market Street, Oakengates. The business, opened in a former building society site, has only been trading for four weeks.

The Spice Lounge, which also offers a delivery and take-away service, used to be a branch of the Portman Building society but it has been painstakingly converted over the last nine months.

Joint owner Mohammed Gulnawaz, who leases the building with his 39-year-old brother Gulfraz Khan, said he had no idea who had targeted the business or why.

Mr Gulnawaz, 34, from Wellington, said: "We finished work late last night and then went home after locking up.

"I was preparing to go back in again this morning when I got a phone call from someone at a shop next door to say the windows had been smashed.

"All six windows have gone, including the main front windows and both panes in the side door.

"I have no idea who would have wanted to do this or why.

"The whole episode is very traumatising and off-putting."

Councillor Gary Davies, who represents College ward, where Mr Gulnawaz lives, on Telford & Wrekin Council, said he was "absolutely disgusted" by what had happened.

"Mr Gulnawaz and his brother are extremely nice people who have put a lot of money, time and hard work into starting this business in Oakengates," he said.

"I hope the people who did this to the restaurant are caught and dealt with severely by the courts."

Anyone with information is asked to call Telford police on 08457 444888.

By Simon Hardy

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