Shropshire Star

Full steam ahead for the Rifles at Shrewsbury festival

Members of the Light Division and Rifles Buglers Association will entertain crowds at this year's Shrewsbury Steam Rally.

Don Somers, Stanley Wilkinson and John Henry Plumridge of the Light Division & Rifles Buglers Association. They have a cumulative 71 years’ service.

The event will take place at Onslow Park on August 25 and 26.

Edward Goddard, chairman of the County of Salop Steam Engine Society said: "The Grand Parade is a celebration of steam, when the steam engines, steam rollers - in fact 'everything steam' - parades in the main arena to the sound of the stirring Pomp and Circumstance by Elgar.

"It promises to be a highlight of the two-day family fun event. I have had a preview of the fanfare, and it was both emotional and exciting. For many Shropshire people it will bring back many memories. The 8-Rifles Light Role Infantry Reserve will have an exhibition stand and provide activities suitable for families."

Sheila Stephenson, from 8 Rifles Community Engagement Team said: “We will be running a weapons stand that will showcase our full suite of weapons and siting systems that we use in E Company, we will also have soldiers in field kit, camouflaged on hand to talk to anyone who has questions, there will be Virtual Reality Goggles that will run through various scenarios, see if you can come up with a plan quickly to deal with each scenario.

"If you like what you have seen and would like to do more, then there will be an opportunity to get our details on the stand, talk to some of our soldiers about life in the Reserves and what to expect."