Shropshire Star

Shrewsbury burger chain boss in call for people to try career in hospitality

The joint founder of a successful burger chain has called on more people to look at hospitality as a serious career choice as the industry continues to be impacted by a shortage of workers.

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Anthony ‘Murf’ Murphy, director at The Beefy Boys, said his business continues to struggle with recruiting new talent, a pattern which is shared across the country.

And he wants people to start looking at the sector as a viable option for a successful career.

It follows a tough few years for the industry which has been hit by severe labour shortages off the back of the Covid-19 pandemic and rising running costs.

Speaking to The Graveyard Shift podcast, Anthony said: “One thing you get in this country, but don’t in America or Europe, is that people don’t look at hospitality as a career.