Shropshire Star

Town encouraged to mark VE Day 75th anniversary at home

Newport will mark VE Day at home this year but townspeople are organising their own celebrations and mayor Peter Scott hopes the 75th anniversary will bring the town together during lockdown.

The red, white and blue bunting in Newport's High Street

Newport traditionally marks VE Day in style with events in the town centre but the coronavirus crisis means that the plans have moved online and residents are encouraged to put up bunting, celebrate at home and post their pictures to social media.

The residents of at least one street, Sandycroft, will sit out on their driveways for tea, scones and a barbecue in lieu of coming together.

Mayor Peter Scott said: "I feel it is important for our community to celebrate VE Day in any way it can. It is an historically important date and a one off.

"It is such a shame we have lockdown because many events were planned. I hope our virtual celebration brings us all together.

"We are hoping to see bunting and flags all over the residential streets. Newport Town Council have already put their bunting up in the High Street.

"At 2.58pm the Last Post will sound around town and on Nova FM. We will then have a two minute silence for those who fell in World War Two followed by reveille.

"The Royal British Legion standard-bearers will be lowering and raising the RBL standards on the streets where they live, so look out for one near you.

"Everyone is then being encouraged to post photos of their own celebrations on social media in uniform of any kind if they have one. Have your own indoor home celebration, or outdoor if the sun shines.

"At 5pm there will be the Cry for Peace delivered by the town crier on Nova FM.

"We then have a toast to Her Majesty and the armed forces followed by a two minute applause.

"We end with a prayer for peace and hope conducted by the Reverend Merry Smith on Facebook and Nova FM.

"Then it’s over to you for cakes, tea and something a bit stronger.

"VE Day was an important date in the history of the country. I am very pleased to see bunting and flags going up.

"Let's all join together on May 8 at 2.58pm and later at 5pm and show our gratitude to those who fought for victory."