Shropshire Star

Billionaires should be saving the country then?

So Ron Jones (letters, December 9) thinks 150 billionaires should donate to the nation’s treasury and save the country?


The richest one per cent in the UK already pay around 30 per cent of income tax, received by the treasury. His figure of £150 billion would just about pay for the HS2 white elephant.

If you divided all the wealth in the UK equally between every man woman and child, you can bet that within five years the same people would be rich again and the same people would be poor – it is mostly down to ambition and mindset.

I am reminded of a tramp who approached John D Rockerfeller in the street in New York and told him that as a millionaire he should distribute his wealth to the population of the USA.

Rockerfeller replied: “Well there are about 250 million people in USA and my fortune is about $250 million. Here is a dollar, go get yourself a hamburger”... sums it up really.

Chris Smith, Horsehay

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