Shropshire Star

Defending my right to believe and express religious views

In response to AC Mitchell (December 27) I would say that all those believing in Jesus Christ today are guaranteed eternal life and immortality in the coming kingdom of God eon (John 20:31).


We have become believers in an age when God is not manifesting Himself openly through signs, wonders and miracles as in previous administrations (Hebrews 2:4). As believers we pray regularly for God’s kingdom (government) to come (Matthew 6:10). This will be when our Lord manifests Himself to all humans (Isaiah 40:5).

When God does assume sovereignty over humanity everyone will know what He expects and requires individually and collectively (Jeremiah 31:34). There will be no atheists in that day. The question will not be “do you believe in God?” but “will you obey God?”.

The Bible speaks of a time when all peoples, nations and families will worship the Lord (Psalm 22:27,28). A reasonable translation of King David’s prayer in Psalm 67:3 is “give the peoples cause to praise Thee, O God” and this is what God will do. He will heal the sick, make wars to cease, feed the hungry, and do so many other wonderful things (Psalm 9:1) that we will all offer new songs of praise and worship to Him (Psalm 98:1,2).

Of course, in that future age we will all have far greater light regarding God than we have today.

I make no apologies for quoting the Bible to back my beliefs. Jesus was always quoting Scripture. In fact, as far as I’m concerned, if I’m not quoting Scripture I’m not saying anything of value at all.

I do respect the rights of others to have opposing beliefs to me and would encourage them to express those beliefs.

I guess the true test regarding respect and tolerance is when people with diametrically opposing religious or political beliefs have their say; and if they still differ; they then defend their opponents rights to express their beliefs.

Regarding humanism, I believe it is a lame-duck religion and I would be very disappointed in any humanist who didn’t defend my right to believe and express that view.

Mr J Clift, Shrewsbury

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