Shropshire Star

Plans for 100 new homes 'could double village's size'

Residents and councillors in a Shropshire village have raised concerns over plans by a developer to build up to 100 homes in the parish, which they say could double its size.

Last updated
The new homes are planned for Benthall, which is west of Broseley

Boningale Homes, based in Albrighton, are hoping to build a development near Floyer Lane in the village of Benthall in Barrow, just outside Broseley.

The developer says the site has been considered by Shropshire Council as a potential housing site, both in the 2018 Strategic Land Availability Assessment and in the 2020 allocations document for the new Local Plan.

Their proposal is to build up to 100 houses, including 35 per cent "affordable homes" along with a play area for children, a wildlife area, a community allotments, along with sports pitches.

While a planning application has yet to be submitted, the developers have presented their proposals to both Barrow Parish Council and Broseley Town Council with more than 100 residents turning out to hear the plans.

Local councillor Dan Thomas, who represents the Much Wenlock district at Shropshire Council, said the developer was just 'testing the water' but warned 100 homes "would double the population of Benthall".

He added: "At last weeks’s Barrow Parish Council meeting, local residents, parish councillors and I questioned Boningale Homes regarding their speculative plans to build homes on land off Floyer Lane.

"I can see several concerns with these plans, not just from Floyer Lane but also from Spout Lane. All other matters apart, this is outside any development boundary, as well as being almost entirely within the Broseley Conservation Area."

A spokesperson for Boningale Homes said they have welcomed the feedback following the consultations with villagers.

He said: "We are currently exploring the opportunity to develop the land off Floyer Lane, Broseley, as an opportunity to deliver much needed housing and community facilities to the local area.

"We have welcomed initial feedback from local residents and Councillors, which will be carefully considered when deciding on how to progress the opportunity.”