Shropshire Star

New homes hoped for former Shrewsbury hotel site

A decision was set to be made today on the building of 10 luxury town houses on former hotel land that has been allowed to grow wild for 10 years.


The plans are for 10 four bedroom, three-storey town houses on what remains of the Radbrook Hall Hotel grounds on Radbrook Road.

The hotel itself was knocked down a decade ago and blocks of flats have already been built on the site.

But on the remaining parcel of land, that was once the hotel grounds and is now overgrown with trees, five detached houses that were given permission back in 2006 were never built.

The current application is asking for twice the number of houses, but in three blocks of terraces rather than detached, with the number slightly scaled back from an initial proposal of 12 houses.

The application was set to go before Shropshire Council's central planning committee at a Shirehall meeting today.

Planning officers have asked the committee to look at the plans on the request of Shrewsbury Town Council which has objected to the design of the houses – though officers have recommended permission be granted.

There have also been objections from 33 members of the public.

Helen Ball, clerk of Shrewsbury Town Council, said: "Members objected to the design of these buildings which are not in keeping with neighbouring properties due to their scale and massing.

"Shrewsbury Town Council has considered the amended plans for this development and feels that whilst the layout of the site has been improved, the poor design of the elevations for the houses is not in keeping with the neighbouring properties.

"Members also feel that there is a need to protect the number of trees on the site and request this application be considered by the Central Planning Committee."

David Kenyon, an objecting neighbour, said the houses would be an "over-intensive development out of character with the surrounding neighbourhood".

He said: "I acknowledge that the applicant has sought to amend the scheme from that first submitted however I remain firmly of the opinion that the height of the buildings as proposed would dominate the street scene and in particular properties located on Ryelands.

"The applicant's continued attempts to justify the development by reference to the supposed profile of the former Radbrook Hotel has no justification in planning policy," he said.

However, in is report, planning officer Vincent Maher said: "This proposal is an infill housing development that seeks to supersede a development which has planning permission.

"It is more intense relative to the approved scheme but this is not a reason in itself to withhold permission.

"A considered review of its layout shows that it is acceptable... indeed, the proposal delivers important sustainability benefits through the more effective use of land within the town of Shrewsbury."