Shropshire Star

Helen Morgan MP re-selected as Liberal Democrat candidate for North Shropshire

Shropshire's only Liberal Democrat MP Helen Morgan has been re-selected as the party's parliamentary candidate for the North Shropshire seat.

MP Helen Morgan

Mrs Morgan, who won the seat in 2021, has been unanimously re-selected as the Liberal Democrat candidate for North Shropshire at the next general election after a vote of constituency members.

UK general elections must be called no more than five years apart, which means the next must take place before January 28, 2025.

At the 2021 by-election, Helen Morgan won 17,957 votes to the Conservatives on 12,032. Labour came third with 3,868 votes.

Mrs Morgan said that representing North Shropshire has been an "enormous privilege".

She added: “I am really pleased to be formally re-selected to stand for the newly-drawn constituency. There is a lot of work to do getting the voice of rural communities like ours heard.

"On big issues like the state of our health services, farming and public transport, we need voices in Parliament putting Shropshire first."

The news was welcomed by local party chair and parish councillor David Walker who said the MP's work in North Shropshire was "a breath of fresh air".