Shropshire Star

Tory MPs in Shropshire call for party to support Truss, while Lib Dem calls for general election

Conservative MPs in Shropshire say the party should back embattled Prime Minister Liz Truss.

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Liz Truss is under pressure

The call comes after the sacking of her Chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, and a U-turn on a flagship tax cut following weeks of criticism and concern at the impact of their 'mini budget'.

Meanwhile, the county's Liberal Democrat MP, North Shropshire's Helen Morgan, has though said "enough is enough" and called on the Prime Minister to call a general election.

Shrewsbury & Atcham Conservative MP Daniel Kawczynski said Mrs Truss should be given more time, while Telford's Tory MP Lucy Allan said she wanted MPs to give the PM the chance to "get on with the job".

Wrekin Conservative MP Mark Pritchard said the Government must stay the course of lowering taxes and looking for economic growth.

All three, along with Ludlow MP, Philip Dunne, welcomed the appointment of Jeremy Hunt as Chancellor.

Mr Kawczynski said: "To ditch the Prime Minister now, when she has grappled with the most difficult decisions any Prime Minister has had to is not the right thing to do.

"I want to give her more time and I very much hope the parliamentary party gives her more time. If they do not that will mean a general election and more instability."

He added that he believed her policy aims had been correct.

He said: "I agree with the Prime Minister that this nation has been plagued over the last 30 years, ever since Margaret Thatcher left office, no government of any political colour has managed to balance the books.

"She is right when she says a lack of growth and excessively high levels of taxation have inevitably held this nation back."

Ms Allan said: "I have worked closely with Jeremy Hunt on the Health Select Committee. He is highly respected and he will be a cool head in turbulent times.

"He shares the PM’s low tax growth agenda and will help her execute it.

"I want the PM to succeed. I want MPs to give her the chance to get on with the job, anything else would be deeply irresponsible at this time."

Mr Pritchard said: "I am sorry to see Kwasi go but he is replaced by someone with huge experience.

"They must stay on course to lower taxes and go for growth but I trust the Prime Minister in now deciding to introduce some of the tax changes over a long period.

"Lower taxes not higher taxes are needed for growth but it is clear that some of the proposed lowering of taxes will now be delayed."

Ms Morgan accused the Prime Minister of ignoring common sense and said it was time for a general election.

She said: "Enough is enough. A general election must take place before the inept Prime Minister can inflict any more damage to the country.

“Liz Truss ignored common sense, ignored public opinion and ignored the markets as she announced unfunded tax cuts and then boasted about it while the pound plummeted. She’s now performed another U-turn in a bid to cling on to power.

“People across North Shropshire are angry – angry that the Conservatives have treated the British economy as a laboratory for a reckless experiment with their household finances.

“The Prime Minister’s disastrous approach has forced families to pay hundreds of pounds more in mortgage payments and burdened taxpayers with £160 billion of reckless borrowing.

“It is clear the Conservatives do not command any authority. The public must be given the chance to have their say via a general election.”