Shropshire Star

Daniel Kawczynski becomes third county MP backing Liz Truss for Prime Minister

The favourite to become the next leader of the Conservative Party has the backing of another county MP.

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Daniel Kawczynski MP

Daniel Kawczynski, MP for Shrewsbury & Atcham, has become the third Shropshire MP to declare their support for Liz Truss – the favourite to beat former Chancellor Rishi Sunak in the Tory leadership contest.

Wrekin MP Mark Pritchard and Telford MP Lucy Allan have already confirmed their backing for the Foreign Secretary to succeed Boris Johnson as Prime Minister.

In a letter setting out his views Mr Kawczynski said he believed that Mrs Truss' economic plans are best placed to address the "dire" state of Britain's economy.

He said that her promise of tax cuts – against the plans put forward by Mr Sunak, is "vitally important to jump-start the economy".

He also welcomed the leadership hopeful's about turn over Brexit – having campaigned to remain in the EU, but now embracing Britain's exit from the union.

He said: "Liz has the leadership qualities we need, and I will be backing her all the way to deliver for Britain.

"The state of Britain’s economy is dire. Inflation has surged to a 40-year high, exacerbating the cost of living for millions of people.

"In contrast to the alternative candidate, Liz recognises that a new economic direction - based on tax cuts, deregulation and tough reform - is vitally important to jump-start the economy.

"She will immediately cut taxes upon entering No10 by reversing the National Insurance rise, scrapping the green levy, and cancelling the increase in corporation tax.

"These measures will put more money in people’s pockets and will attract more investment into Britain.

"Liz has made her economic direction clear – higher taxes are not the path to achieving growth."

He added: "Despite backing remain during the 2016 referendum, Liz now regrets that decision and has said that leave would be her choice if she could go back in time.

"Having held two of the cabinet’s most internationally focused roles, Liz now recognises the new freedom and impetus that being outside of the EU has allowed Britain to achieve.

"She has made the notion of ‘Global Britain’ a reality by securing numerous free trade agreements around the world. The arrangements of some of these agreements are better for us now, outside of the EU, such as the one that Liz successfully secured with Japan."

Mr Kawczynski also hailed Mrs Truss' support for Ukraine as it battles the Russian invasion.

He said: "The War in Ukraine rages on, and we must continue to oppose the tyrannical aggression of Russia’s Vladimir Putin. As Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Liz has demonstrated her steadfast support to the people of Ukraine as they resist the unprovoked and premeditated invasion.

"As our next Prime Minister, she will ensure that Britain continues its global leadership in standing up for our allies against unwanted aggression."

Mr Kawczynski said he believed Mrs Truss would be positive for Shropshire – and would echo Margaret Thatcher in taking "tough decisions".

He said: "Liz succeeding Boris would be good for us locally. In her previous post as Environment Secretary, she was enormously keen on promoting British agriculture. Liz knows that our farmers can produce fantastic food, but she also knows about the problems they are facing now.

"I will make sure that Liz focuses on delivering for farmers as part of her plan to deliver for Britain.

"Whilst it is true that there was and only ever will be one Margaret Thatcher, Liz has channelled her spirit.

"Just like Margaret Thatcher, Liz is prepared to take tough decisions with the economy, stand up against aggressors, and get Britain moving again."