Shropshire Star

Burst water main closes road metres from the Iron Bridge

A burst water main closed the road metres from the county's most famous heritage site.

Last updated
The road in Ironbridge remains closed.

The water pipe at the top of Tontine Hill in Ironbridge burst in the early hours of Saturday morning – reportedly around 6am.

What was initially a trickle turned to a fountain as homes in the area and further afield lost water.

The road, which runs directly past the famous Iron Bridge, was closed while Severn Trent worked to fix the issue overnight, with hay bales brought in to divert water springing from the leak.

But the road remained closed on Sunday and was expected to be closed into the coming week – with a large hole still open in the carriageway.

It is the third time in 12 months that the water main has burst along the stretch of road.

Graham Hickman, who lives metres from the site said it had been "quite spectacular" as the burst worsened.

However, Mr Hickman, who has lived in Ironbridge since 1950, said it had not been as bad as the burst in 1971, which resulted in a fountain shooting up 40ft into the air.

Mr Hickman said that the latest burst appeared to have damaged the width of the road.