Shropshire Star

Community 'gazumped' in Church of England land deal to appeal to higher authority as parish church distances itself

A row over a land deal in a sleepy Shropshire village that saw a community group "gazumped" by the Church of England has now escalated with a local church distancing itself, an MP getting involved and the residents planning to appeal to the region's bishop.

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Residents in Benthall near Broseley upset after being 'gazumped' by Church of England land deal

Earlier this month, members of Floyer Lane Community Group discovered that the Church of England's asset managing department had sold the land in Benthall, just outside Broseley, that the group had wanted to turn into a nature area.

Despite the group winning a sealed tender process with the Church Commissioners, the Church of England went on to sell it to developer Boningale Homes, which is now planning to build a 100-house development that will double the number of homes in the hamlet.

Now the local parish church has distanced itself from the deal.