Shropshire Star

Scarecrows 'bring the community together' in festival's return to Broseley

Nearly 60 scarecrows delighted the people of Broseley during the town's second scarecrow trail.

Philip Gardner in the churchyard

The trail ended on Sunday but the organiser said it has succeeded in its aim to make people smile.

Sue Hodgetts, of the Scarecrow Team made of church and non-church people, said: "The whole aim was to make people smile, but we did raise some money for All Saints Church which is in need of repair.

Church warden Dave Lloyd

"Making people smile is the overriding passion - the idea came when we came out of lockdown. It's all about bringing our community together and I think it is the best thing we have ever done in bringing our community together.

"This town has the most incredible community.

"As a Christian I believe it is all about sharing love with each other."

Anita Starkey and Joanne Parker at Downes store

The festival was the brainchild of Father Chris Penn, who died last year at the age of 62. Last year's was held in his memory and this year's event was an even bigger success for his legacy.

Sue's husband Trevor Hodgetts, who is also involved, said there had been a 'brilliant turnout' and they had sold more than 350 brochures, the church hall coffee morning was packed and people were out and about in numbers to tick off the straw creations as they went along.

Saint George and a dragon

"The people and the businesses were really chuffed with how it went," said Mr Hodgetts.

"The people of Broseley need a pat on the back."